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December Daily 2018 - Day 3, 4 and 5


In the December Daily swing now. Today I'm sharing my last three days.

Monday 3 December I was at work so I went and took some photos of the decorations on George Street (before the light rail comes next year). I didn't really have much of a story today so I used a list journal card from the Paislee Press 3x8 kit I'm using and noted some of the things on my gift shopping list for the other side. Simple.

For 6 December, I had two stories/photos - dinner out at the burger truck (one of our family traditions) and Zara's high school orientation day. I was working Wednesday so I knew I wouldn't have anything special that day so I held the orientation story over a day, noting in my journaling "Yesterday...". I wanted to take a nice photo of Zara but this was the best I could get..ah twelve year olds. I thought about going and finding an older photo to use but decided to just go with it.

I'm using a full page photo every day with one of Ali's overlays and then using the Paislee Press 3x8 album kit for the opposing page. I added an extra photo to day 4 and just a quick caption. For Day 5, I used a journaling card from the same kit but added some word art from another kit to the top of the card because this is a story of growing up rather than anything festive-themed.

So another three days in the books. (Well not technically - I chose this size only a few days before December so I'm still waiting on my album to arrive).These pages seriously take me about 10-20 minutes to make tops. I'm not stressing over them and just going with what I have. The album kit makes it easy and knowing I need one good photo a day in a portrait orientation (with extra space at the top) gives me a good place to start each day. I'm looking forward to working on them each night and have had each day's spread done by the end of the day.

I know a lot of people don't work on their projects daily and even wait until later in the year but after doing this project for ten years, working on these pages every night has become part of my Christmas tradition, as important as decorating the tree or making pudding. I love journaling in the moment and knowing that come January, I can pack this book away and be done for another year.

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