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  • shannanmanton


I'm excited to take part in the 100 Day Project (HERE) this year, which starts today.

I've only ever participated once before when I got most of the way through Kristin's 100 Days of All About Me project (now called All About Me: The 100 Question Challenge - you can sign up for free HERE) I started my project months after the actual 100 Days Project and just worked on it over the year rather than a set amount of days. I still have about 20-30 questions left and hope to finish it up this year (I've signed up again as a reminder).

I used two small, 4x4 We R Memory Keepers albums (luckily I had two of these as I didn't even realise when I started that I would not fit 100 questions in one album) and just printed the journaling off on cardstock, cut and hole-punched and put straight into the album, sticking my photos to the back.

I've been thinking about the project this week and decided to just document 100 Lovely Things. I understand that I'm essentially making a gratitude project, but the word 'gratitude' always seems a bit formal and austere to me when I really just want to document my old converse or a great drum solo in a song. Gratitude for a donut seems a bit over the top. So 'Lovely Things' it is.

I love the small, square size for a project like this but I don't have any albums and can't really be bothered with the printing, cutting and hole punching anyway. So I'm sticking to my new year's plan to make more photo books and will be making my project digitally in PSE and printing as a book when I'm done. I've set my pages up as 6x6 (I know Chatbooks does that size) and am sticking to the formula of photo on the left, words on the right. I added some coloured circles to my journal page but overall it's simple enough that I think I can get it done. My journaling will be very basic - no pressure to go deep with my words.

I know I won't be able to make a page a day - I will just make a couple at a time and I am fine if it takes me longer than 100 days. I have a rough list of things I brainstormed the other day that I can draw from and my personal instagram gives me a good idea of my Lovely Things. I plan to raid my own photo stash for this and take new photos if needed. A lot of the things I will document are not time/date specific and I love an excuse to use old photos that don't have a home yet.

Looking forward to having a cute little book of my favourite things when I am done. #100lovelythings

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