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  • shannanmanton

My 5x8 Pages for January & February (+ video walk through)

February - I hardly knew ya! I don't know where the last month went but here we are almost halfway through March. A few full and busy weekends have put me off my scrapbook game a little bit but that's how this hobby goes.

Last weekend I finished up a few wayward half-finished pages for February and got them loaded up into my Blurb book so I could get going on March. I have a lot less pages for February than for January and that's OK.

(As a reminder, last year I made a digital Commonplace Book that I loved and knew I would do that again for 2019. I also made a large number of more traditional 6x8 digital layouts for my binder. This year I've decided to blend the two into one book that I will have printed at Blurb as a 5x8 tradebook).

With this new 5x8 size I find I'm making a lot more double spreads to get enough space for a photo and a larger story. I'm also enjoying the mix of 'scrappy' pages, where I'm using my Story Class Kits and other digital products, and more simple pages that represent the Commonplace aspect of the book.

I will say that changing your scrapbooking style/routine/size is scary and that's OK. Since mid 2017 I have made my little 6x8 pages, printed them off at home and slotted into my binder with a happy sigh and a smile.

Going the photobook route this year feels a bit weird and ethereal. There's nothing to hold and everything is living on my computer and in Blurb waiting to become a book that I can only hope makes me as happy as those 6x8 pieces of paper did. But I know that the binder method is not sustainable for me. So here we are.

This is a video of how my Blurb book is coming along so far - thanks for being here. As always, happy to answer any questions.

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