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My Favourite Fonts


(Alternative title: What the Actual Font?)

I get lots of font questions, so I thought it would be useful to make a post about the ones I use the most. I am a collector of fonts so I have paid ones, free ones and ones that came with my Mac. You can usually find something similar with a bit of googling if the exact one isn't available to you (I've found that "free font that looks like x" often does the trick). I think of fonts as either journaling fonts or title fonts and love using the same ones over and over so my projects have some cohesion.

In the front of my planner, I have a taped sheet of paper with my go-to fonts printed so I don't have to go down the font rabbit hole each time I want to work on something (I'm sure you'll notice the one with the terrible name - it's a great stamp font that even has the edge ink parts but every time I've used it and people have asked what it's called I kinda die). The printout also gives me a good idea of how the printed sizes look in real life. Digital scrapbooking can be deceptive with font size if you haven't printed much so my tip when you are new to it or planning to use a few fonts throughout a project is to print some samples off before you get too far in.

I should note that I always create the digital scrapbooking templates in my shop using boring-old Arial or Times New Roman because everyone has it and there won't be a missing-font error when you open it up after purchase. Of course I encourage you to change fonts out to your favourites. The beauty of digital scrapbooking is that you can make an amazing layout with just a photo and some fonts and nothing else. It's really quite magical.

I like my type on the small side so I usually go for a 10 point with plenty of line spacing - old-lady Shannan may not appreciate that so much. Journaling shouldn't look cramped. I like to play with my kerning/character spacing because that can give a different feel to a heading. I also try and stick to one title font and one journaling font on most of my pages as a rule (they can be the same too). Fonts are fun but it can look confusing and hard to read if you use too many at once. Some fonts are only good for titles, they just don't read well for longer text, especially the ornate or 'fancy' ones.

So here is my list - some of these may not be available anymore, sorry.


This is my hands-down favourite journaling font. It's simple, tiny, uncluttered and works when you don't have much space for your words.

This is a really lovely, clean serif font and I think it looks really good in all caps too.

It's a classic for a reason. Invented for 'Martha Stewart Living' magazine. Perfect for journaling or titles.

This is my go-to typewriter font. I also like Bulky Refuse Type for a messier typed look.

This one reminds me of old, fancy typewriters. It's also a lovely, tiny font that fits in easily.

This one is very similar to Script 12 Pitch but has a bolder, messier, inkier look.

This is my go-to serif font - when I'm feeling a bit grown-up and serious.

This is my fancy one, very nice for short prose.


This one is just so perfect. Very advertising-agency. I use this a lot. It's clean and crisp.

his one is great for longer titles and looks really good italicized too

I don't think you can beat this old one for a clean, simple title. It looks excellent enlarged too and works really well as a lower case title.

Always good for a digital scrapbooker to have a cool stamp font on hand. This one is very simple.

This style of funky, seventies font has been very popular over the last few years. Great for headings.

Another seventies-vibe font, reminiscent of 70's packaging.

I've been using this one all year in my digital journal for subheadings. It's very cute and fun.

This one brings all of my architect-with-perfect-handwriting dreams to life. I like to add this one to labels or captions here and there.

This one's a new find and I've been using it as captions on my videos. I love it's quirky, cute feel and use it mostly lowercase.

Thank you for reading! Happy to talk fonts over on my instagram post for this - comments are not working right here so I've turned them off.

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