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new year's resomolutions


(ever since Homer Simpson said ‘saxamaphone’ I have a habit of adding in letters here and there to words and ‘resomolutions’ has really stuck. I like it.)

I don’t really do resolutions - I know it’s magical thinking to believe ‘new year, new me’. But I do like to choose a word, or even a direction (or a suggestion of a direction), for the year. Something I know that will help me move forward. 

This year I’m choosing ‘real’. I’m not even fancying it up by saying ‘authentic’. I just want to be real in my life, in my friendships, in my marriage, on the internet, and in my work. I want to present the real me and I want to talk about the real stuff. Not that I’m actively living a fake life - I am definitely authentic in most aspects - but I could use some practice in speaking up and being real even when it’s uncomfortable.

As an over-achieving people-pleasing first-born eldest-daughter (gosh that’s a stacked deck right?!), I’ve conditioned myself into being a perfect low-maintenance type. But the thing with being low maintenance is that you don't get a lot of maintenance. People assume that you have life handled and they don’t have you at the top of their ‘just checking in’ list (or maybe on the list at all). And why would they? It would almost be an insult to ask low-maintenance gal if she, god forbid, needs anything.

So I’m trying out being more open and direct about what I need. I work in government relations and have a communications degree but confrontation and emotional communication elude me. Since making an effort to work on this, I've already seen some big changes. (And do you know how we became ‘low maintenance’ in the first place? Um, it’s not because we are well adjusted and trauma-free I’ll tell you that much!). 

I don’t have any advice for any of my fellow low-maintenance folks beyond a nod of solidarity and a fist bump. I see you. It would be great to get to a place where voicing our needs (major and minor) is not revolutionary but just a regular thing. We really are our own worst enemies sometimes. I will keep you posted..

life + home

Even though we are sliding to the end of January, this week felt like the beginning of the new year for me. The return to work and semi-regular routine (kids are still on summer holidays) forced me to face 2025 and get some planning underway. 

We have had some wild weather in Sydney this past week. The rain and cooler, grey days are very welcome, not so much the chaotic thunderstorms that left a lot of people without power and damaged homes.

Of course I’ve also been following along with all those in LA that have lost homes, schools and whole neighbourhoods. I am so heartbroken and sorry for everyone affected. What an awful way to start the year.


We had a wide open weekend, which is my very favourite. There has been so much socialising the last few months (good! great!) but I just need to rest and refill my battery. When I’m feeling like this, the greatest kindness I give myself is time - a Friday, Saturday and Sunday with nowhere to be and nothing pressing to be done.

Time to potter about my house, drink coffee in bed in the early morning, watch some TV, do some crafting, listen to music, sit in the sunshine with a book, spend some time in the kitchen (gluten free cupcakes), have an afternoon lie-down, light some candles, and do some chores at my own convenience and pace. If I could conjure up my perfect Saturday - that would be it and I’m grateful when I can give it to myself.

scrapbooking projects

I finished the first page of my Everyday2025 project - that’s usually the point when I can say, OK I’m doing this. I’m still thinking about what other crafty things I want to do this year and I keep coming back to the concept of small and back-to-basics, whatever that means. We have a long weekend coming up and I want to spend an afternoon (at least) playing at my desk and making things with no agenda, project, product or anything in mind. Just for funsies.

shannanpages shop

I released this new template to my shop last weekend - Log It. It’s a simple way to keep track of things like reading, watching, listening, making, gardening etc and comes with a lot of alternate title options to choose from. Available in 12x12, Letter, 8x10, 6x8 and 9x12.

health, wellbeing + the kitchen

My digestion thanks me when I don’t eat too late in the day, so I’m trying to plan my meals better and make sure I eat early when possible. I feel best when I stick to breakfast, big lunch and small, early dinner/snack schedule but it doesn’t always fit with life.

Still struggling a bit with gluten free meals for the kids, especially when they are home all day on holidays. Zara is easy to please but Eli at 15 seems to grow taller everyday and is constantly hungry. Lots of protein smoothies and leftovers required. Our strategy has been to mix up gluten free versions of our favourites with brand new recipes. Quite fun but a lot of kitchen work.



//Intermezzo by Sally Rooney

//Fast Like A Girl by Dr Mindy Pelz


//Old episodes of The Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlett (never seen it) after pulling out my Gerry Anderson box set of 45 records Brett got me as a gift years ago (such a fun listen).

//Bits from The Goodies on YouTube - another core childhood memory.

//Any YouTube video that says “I bought an abandoned cottage…” (we watch this one every week and this is a new one that popped up for me)

//Any YouTube video that says “Decorating ins and outs for 2025…” (I do love some opinionated design advice)

//First-time-listen react videos of Beatles albums (esp Revolver and Rubber soul). Can people really be oblivious to the Beatles? I like this one (the best ones are by people with a music background or who work in the industry) 

(As an aside, if there was a Guitar Hero-style game for strings, I reckon I would kill playing air-violin on Eleanor Rigby, even though I’ve never even touched a violin IRL). 

//I also like watching movie react videos because I get to re-watch my favourite films in a short burst (I've watched The Apartment several times since Christmas this way).

//Mulholland Drive and a few episodes of Twin Peaks with Zara to pour one out for David Lynch, who I admire as an artist so, so much. He will be so missed.


//Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness all the way through on Saturday afternoon with Brett (it’s four records)

//Lots of background jazz music on Spotify while working to match the dark, stormy weather

//Sufjan Stevens, also a rainy day fave

//Still on my Joni Mitchell Blue kick - adding it to my record wish list (how is my collection Joni-less right now?!)


the cooler and wetter weather (and the excuse to hibernate and recharge).


a new kitchen for 2025 (I think!). This is a hangover from our 2023 second-storey build and just needs to happen. We had a year off to recover from the mess and chaos and I think we are ready to jump back in for the final stretch.

I’m adding lots of things to my Pinterest board, marveling at the way my taste in interiors and design has changed since we began this whole process back in 2022. I’m really drawn to mid-century modern style and am looking for a warm and well-used vibe for my kitchen. I cook a lot so I want it to be a place I love being. Our house is also open-plan so the kitchen needs to fit in. (If anyone wants to share any kitchen remodel advice, please do!)

Here are some of my pins:

well, thank you for listening! until next time... s

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