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December Daily 2018 + a Digital Tutorial Video


Happy December people! First of December here in Australia and the first day of Summer so it has suddenly become unbearably hot.

I had been planning to do another 6x8 December Daily this year because I already had an album and I just love that size. But then I had second thoughts about doing more of the same and decided to change it up and go 3x8. I bought this album from Ali Edwards' shop (even though it's not the December Daily one) because I already have one from Week In The Life and like a bit of matching on my shelves. I also bought a few 3x8 kits to work/play with.

Ali's overlays with the date - which I use every year. So happy she made them in 3x8 this year :)

Ali's 3x8 journal cards (again, happy!):

And Liz Tamanaha's December You Are My Fave No 7 3x8 Album Kit at Paislee Press (again with the 3x8 products! Yes!):

I'm still sticking with my usual formula because I know I will get it done - full photo on the left with the daily overlay, then some journaling and sometimes more photos on the right. I try and work on my pages and have them printed and in the album daily. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't but I am always done come January. The products make it easy to keep up and I'm just not a person that agonises over photos and words - done is good enough for me.

I also plan to make a few video tutorials as I make my pages - sharing some digital scrapbooking goodness. I'm very new to making videos but here is my first one looking at my title page. I'm using Photoshop Elements on a Mac. I know how confusing it all is for someone new to the program or digital but I hope that with each video beginners might be able to pick up one or two things to help theme get more comfortable. I also plan to do some more step-by-step tutorials for beginners. Feel free to email me with any questions and stay tuned for more/ Thanks!

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